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mouth bar中文是什么意思

用"mouth bar"造句"mouth bar"怎么读"mouth bar" in a sentence


  • 河口坝
  • 拦门沙
  • "mouth"中文翻译    n. (pl. mouths ) 1.口,口腔,嘴。 2 ...
  • "bar"中文翻译    n. 1.棒,杆,条;棒状物。 2.横木,闩。 3.栅栏 ...
  • "bar river mouth" 中文翻译 :    拦门洲
  • "bay mouth bar" 中文翻译 :    湾口洲
  • "bay-head mouth bar" 中文翻译 :    湾口洲
  • "channel mouth bar" 中文翻译 :    河口沙洲
  • "distributary mouth bar" 中文翻译 :    分流河口沙坝; 分支河口沙坝
  • "river mouth bar" 中文翻译 :    河口坝; 河口沙坝; 河口沙洲; 拦江沙; 拦门沙
  • "by mouth" 中文翻译 :    经口,口服
  • "by the mouth" 中文翻译 :    内服(用)
  • "in the mouth of" 中文翻译 :    出于...之口
  • "mouth" 中文翻译 :    n. (pl. mouths ) 1.口,口腔,嘴。 2.〔 pl.〕口,(需要赡养的)人;(需要饲养的)动物。 3.口状物,出入口;孔,穴;枪口;河口,港口,喷火口;袋口(等);(乐器的)吹口。 4.咧嘴,怪脸,苦相;话,发言;代言人;人言,传闻,传说;〔俚语〕傲慢话,厚脸。 5.(啤酒等的)味儿。 a useless mouth 没用的人,饭桶。 a big mouth 〔美俚〕碎嘴子,说话冒失的人。 hungry mouths 饥饿的人们。 mouth parts 【虫类】口器。 by word of mouth 口头通知,当面告诉,口说。 down in the mouth 沮丧,垂头丧气,气馁。 from hand to mouth 现挣现吃;仅可糊口,过一天算一天。 from mouth to mouth 口口相传;挨次。 give mouth (猎狗)吠起来。 give mouth to 说出,吐露。 have a foul mouth 嘴不干净,嘴坏。 have a good [bad, hard] mouth (马)驯顺[不驯顺]。 have one's mouth made up (for sth.) 〔美国〕张开嘴准备吃东西;垂涎;期待,渴望得到。 in everyone's mouth 人人都如此说。 in [with] a French mouth 用法国腔调。 in the mouth of 出于…之口,据…说。 Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. 〔谚语〕多听少讲。 laugh on the worng side of one's mouth 由得意变失意,转喜为悲。 make a mouth [make mouths] at 对…咧嘴,皱眉头。 make one's mouth water 使垂涎,使羡慕。 open one's mouth 开口,开始说话。 open one's mouth too wide 口气过大,要求过多,要价过高。 put words into one's mouth 说是某人那样讲过;教某人怎样讲。 shoot off one's mouth 〔俚语〕信口开河,滔滔不绝。 sound strange in one's mouth 某人讲就觉得奇怪。 stop sb.'s mouth 堵住某人的嘴;强使人停止讲话。 take the bread out of sb.'s mouth 夺人饭碗,夺人生计。 take the words out of sb.'s mouth 说出某人心里要讲的话。 with full [open] mouth 大声地。 with one mouth 〔罕用语〕异口同声地。 vt. 1.说出;用演说腔调讲;附和着说;含糊地说。 2.用口衔;放进嘴里嚼;嚼;吃。 3.使(马)咬惯马嚼子。 4.用嘴接触,吻。 vi. 1.(特指轻蔑时的)歪嘴。 2.大声讲,叫骂;怒骂;装腔作势地讲。 3.(河)注入 (in into)。
  • "of by or for the mouth" 中文翻译 :    口中
  • "s mouth" 中文翻译 :    替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的); 听马说的(根据最可靠的消息来源)
  • "the mouth" 中文翻译 :    口吐泡沫
  • "mouth to mouth" 中文翻译 :    口对口; 子谠嘴的; 嘴对嘴
  • "mouth-to-mouth" 中文翻译 :    adj. 口对口的〔人工呼吸的一种方式〕。
  • "at a bar" 中文翻译 :    在酒吧里
  • "at bar" 中文翻译 :    在审讯中, 在法庭上
  • "at the bar" 中文翻译 :    受到公开审问
  • "bar" 中文翻译 :    BAR = Browning automatic rifle 白朗宁自动步枪。 n. 巴尔〔南斯拉夫港市〕。 n. 1.棒,杆,条;棒状物。 2.横木,闩。 3.栅栏;关卡,城门。 4.障碍,妨碍 (to). 5.(河口的)沙洲。 6.(法庭上的)围栏;法庭;刑事被告席;〔比喻〕审判台;制裁;谴责;律师团;律师业;停止诉讼[权利要求]的申请。 7.(酒吧等的)卖酒柜台;酒吧。 8.(光、色等的)线,条。 带。 9.【音乐】节线〔节间纵线〕;小节;【徽章】盾的横线;【军事】(领章上的)军阶线;【生物学】棒眼;【数学】横;杆件;【物理学】巴〔压强单位〕。 10.〔美国〕蚊帐 (= mosquito bar). prison bars 监牢。 the color bar 对有色人种的歧视[差别待遇]。 a tie bar 连岛沙洲。 at the bar 受到公开审问。 be a bar to 成…的障碍。 be admitted to the bar 〔美国〕 = be called to [before] the B- 得到(法院所属)律师的资格。 be called within the bar 被任命为皇室律师。 behind (the) bars 在监狱[禁闭室]中。 behind bolt and bar 被关在监牢里。 cross the bar 死,去世。 go to the bar 当律师。 in bar of 【法律】为禁止,为防止;除…之外的。 let down the bars 撤除障碍。 play a few bars 奏几小节(曲子)。 practise at the B- 以律师为职业。 trial at bar 【法律】(全体法官)列席审判。 the bar of conscience [public opinion] 良心[舆论]的制裁。 the bar of the house 英下院的惩罚法庭。 vt. (-rr-) 1.闩,闩上。 2.阻挡,拦住,阻挠;防止,禁止;排斥;除去;【法律】(用法律手段)阻止诉讼。 3.〔俚语〕反对,讨厌,不准。 4.在…上划线,在…上划出颜色线条,而色线配上 (with). bar in 关在里面。 bar out 关在外头;阻在外面。 除,除…之外 (= barring). bar a few names 除开四、五名。 bar none 无例外。
  • "bar in" 中文翻译 :    关在里面
  • "in bar of" 中文翻译 :    为禁止..
  • "in the bar" 中文翻译 :    在酒吧间
  • "no bar" 中文翻译 :    无节线


  • According to synthesize evaluate , the distributary channel sandbodies and river mouth bars are best reservoir
  • The delta front mainly developed in chang 6 , which includes microfacies , such as distributary channel sandbodies , river mouth bars , distal bars and so on
  • Sparedescription : tendency of deposition in the guanting reservoir and dredging on mouth bar of the guishuihe estuary are analyzed by the data from the model experiments
  • According to analysis of sedimentology , we think the most benefit environment to reservoir is under - water branch and river mouth bars microfacies , which often form thick sand bodies of high porosity of permeability
  • According to observing the core and well logging facies analysis , yanchang 4 + 5 sector to yangchang 3 mainly developed underwater distributary channel , river mouth bars , underwater natural levee , underwater crevasse splay , interdistributary bay , far bars , etc . and some shallow lake subfacies
    根据岩芯观察以及测井相分析,认为长4 + 5 ?长3期以水下分流河道、河口砂坝、水下天然堤、水下决口扇、分流间湾和远砂坝等沉积微相以及部分浅湖亚相沉积为主。
  • The yanchang formation is divided , for the first time , into six third - order sequences , each with an average time duration of about 4 . 5 ma . the single sequence is composed of deltaic and lacustrine sandstones , siltstones and mudstones . the subaerial and subaqueous distributary channel and channel - mouth bar sandstone reservoirs are well developed mainly in the lowstand and highland systems tracts
    论文在富县探区首次应用陆相层序地层学的观点和方法,把延长组划分为6个三级层序,平均时限4 . 5ma ,各层序由三角洲与湖泊相砂、泥岩沉积组成,主要在低位体系域和高位体系域发育水下(上)分流河道和河口砂坝砂岩储层
  • Yanchang 4 + 5 sector to yanchang 3 sector lithofacies palaeogeography pattern was stable , because the constitution background was steady , and the source direction had no change , and supply was abundant . in those sectors the basin development was in lake retreat , and in the period of extinction gradually , and formatted construction delta deposit , but in yanchang 33 period the sedimentary speed were greater than construction speed , showing that overriding river mouth bars were abundant
    长4 + 5 ?长3期湖盆发展处于湖退、萎缩逐渐消亡时期,由于构造背景稳定,物源来源方向没有变化,物源供给充分,所以岩相古地理格局基本一致,形成建设性三角洲沉积,但长3 ~ 3期沉积速率大于构造沉降速率,表现为叠置河口砂坝极其发育。
  • The variations in trace element contents and ratios may hold up a mirror to the lake - level fluctuations and climatic changes , which , in turn , have exerted a direct and important effect on the sequence stratigraphic development . collectively , the reservoir rocks from the yanchang formation consist dominantly of the delta front subfacies subaqueous distributary channel and channel - mouth bar microfacies and delta plain subfacies subaerial distributary channel microfacies fine - grained feldspar sandstones and siltstones . the reservoir rocks have been subjected to three stages of diagenetic and porosity evolution : ( 1 ) the porosity reduction by the mechanical compaction and chemical pressure solution during the early diagenetic stage ; ( 2 ) the porosity increase by the dissolution during the a substage of the late diagenetic stage , and ( 3 ) the porosity reduction by the cementation and filling during the b substage of the late diagenetic stage
    系统的储层特征研究表明,该区延长组储层成因类型主要为三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口砂坝及三角洲平原水上分流河道微相细粒长石砂岩、粉砂岩;储层岩石经历了压实,胶结,溶蚀等成岩作用,历经早成岩机械压实和化学压溶孔隙缩小期、晚成岩a亚期溶蚀作用孔隙扩大期及晚成岩a亚期( b亚期)胶结充填孔隙缩小期三个成岩-孔隙演化阶段;储层物性总体上具有较低孔渗、低孔渗的特点,孔隙类型主要为粒间溶孔、残余粒间孔隙、粒内溶孔、晶间孔及晶间溶孔,裂缝不发育,储集岩排驱压力和中值压力较高,孔隙结构类型以细小孔-微孔隙,微细喉-微喉型为主。
  • The south part was slope and deep floor of the lake , and the north part was a broad shallow - water platform of the latchstring shore . in the north part , chang - 6 and chang - 7 oil - bearing beds of yanchang formation were typical shallow - water platform delta with an incomplete progradational sequence , in which the delta plain facies were well developed and the river - mouth bars were not developed
    受沉积基底地形的严格控制,发育于浅水台地背景上的延长组长7 ?长6油层组表现出典型的浅水三角洲沉积特征,具有发育的三角洲平原沉积,而前缘河口坝不发育,剖面上难以形成完整的进积序列。
  • The most favorable reservoirs of study formatioms in study area are delta river mouth bar sand body and sublacustrine fan sand body . the sublacustrine fan sand body region developed in each sand group and the river mouth bar sand body region developed in gao 5 sand - group are the most favorable regions of developing lithologic traps
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"mouth bar"造句  



A mouth bar is a bar in a river that is typically created in the middle of a channel in a river delta. It is created by a positive feedback between mid-channel deposition and flow divergence.
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